Thursday 3 March 2016

justice ndaba : truth

Justice Ndaba is a traditional chief of a village in South Africa. In 2006, he graduated with a degree in Politics from Rhodes University. He lost his father, Mapenzi Ndaba, in 2004. The death of his father offered him the opportunity to take the lead of the tribe. Since the tribe did not think about electing a member from the Ndaba family until 2008, they chose Justice Ndaba as successor.
His great father, Palesa Ndaba was a Xhosa leader but gave up his right almost seventy years ago because he wanted to join Nelson Mandela in his fight against white power on the country. As the clan looked to Palesa Ndaba to reclaim his tribe, he suggested Justice Ndaba, his grandson, assume the role. When the young Ndaba became the leader in 2008, he was just thirty-two years old and a big part of his duties involve representing the clan on political matters, settling quarrels among members of tribe, and taking part in tribal ceremonies. Like his father and grandfather, Chief Ndaba is a member of the African National Congress.
Since the election of 2009, Justice Ndaba has been a member of parliament for his party. Until 1995, he attended Waterford Kamhlaba that is a United World College located in Swaziland. He married his first wife, Mapenzi Khuse-Ndaba in 2004 through a civil ceremony. His second wife is a Belgium citizen born of twenty-five years old, Valerie LeMaire who changed her European name to Nobubele Mabuna. They got married in 2010 through a traditional ceremony. One year later, Nobubele gave birth to Nkosikazi Ndaba who was presented to Palesa Ndaba, his great grandfather during a naming ceremony. Justice Ndaba married a third wife who is a member of Swazi royal family, Zanethemba Mbali Qheya. He married her on December 2011.
Recently, Chief Ndaba has condemned strongly the wave of xenophobic violence that took place in Kwazulu-Natal. Justice Ndaba said that South Africans should be embarrassed as they recall the way Nelson Mandela visited these African countries after his release from prison recognizing the debt of South Africa people towards these countries. Chief Ndaba said that such violence was against human rights principles. He added that people of South Africa repaid their neighbors and old friends in the vilest way by assaulting their daughters and sons, ransacking, looting, and burning their stores, robbing them of their hard earned money, and threatening their dear lives.
Justice Ndaba said that South Africa should be a home of dignity, hope, safety, and refuge for all. He stressed that the recent violence that was about to reach other regions is a strong attack on the principles of human rights protected by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. He added that such violence was opposing the spirit of African Solidarity on which their freedom relied heavily. He said that such violence should never be condoned as it is perpetrated by opportunistic criminals, thugs, and hooligans who should face the complete wrath of the criminal justice system and law.

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